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Savings Accounts click here for deposit rates
We offer a variety of savings products designed to help you increase the value of the money you earn and the way you choose to save. All accounts can be accessed thru FREE On-line Banking, FREE Mobile Banking and FREE Select 24 (telephone audio response system). You will receive quarterly statements unless your account has ACH activity, in which case you’ll receive a monthly statement. All of your savings accounts are insured by the National Credit Union Administration up to $250,000.00. Contact us for more details on any of the following accounts and get started on the path to saving.

Friendly Member Service Representatives are here to help you.

Affordable loan rates keep your monthly payments low. A smiling married couple review their finances on a laptop computer.
SelectFCU for Eastside San Antonio
Residents, employees, students and church members of Eastside San Antonio benefit from the financial strength and stability of Select Federal Credit Union. Originally chartered as a San Antonio railroad federal credit union in 1939 to serve employees of the Southern Pacific S. A. Division Railroad, the credit union opened its field of membership to the community in 1986. Today, more than 7,000 members belong to Select Federal Credit Union and our assets total more than $41 million. As a member, you will quickly learn that we are interested in finding ways to save you money, better your credit score, and improve your overall well-being. Learn more about member benefits such as online banking, checking and savings accounts, credit and debit cards, auto and personal loans and discounts for many products and services.

Membership is open to those who qualify based on being a student, resident or church member within our Field of Membership.
Once we have determined your eligibility to join, our goal is to get to know you and help meet your needs with a variety of financial services. Our employees are committed to serving you on an individual basis and providing the financial solutions that make the most sense for your situation. Complete the application form to find out if you’re eligible to join Select FCU.
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Privacy Policy PDF | Word
Safeguarding Info PDF | Word
EFT PDF | Word
Fee Schedule PDF | Word
Funds Availability PDF | Word
Membership & Account Agreement PDF | Word
Truth-In-Savings (Certificates of Deposit) PDF | Word
Truth-In-Savings (Savings Accounts) PDF | Word
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